Selasa, 22 Desember 2009

Everything Is Making Dhikr

Everything Is Making Dhikr

Sultan al-Awliya

Mawlana Shaykh Nazim al-Haqqani

15 December 2009 Lefke, Cyprus

(Mawlana Shaykh stands.)

Dastoor yaa Sayyidee, madad. Madad yaa Sultan al-Awliyah. La ilaaha illa-Llah, la ilaaha illa-Llah, la ilaaha illa-Llah Muhammadun Rasoolullah. O our Lord, You are our Creator! Only You are saying Your holy order, "Be" and anything is coming into existence. You are asking anything You like to disappear from existence. If You say, "Go back, don't be in existence!" it's finished! Whole Creation, less than a third or down, down, down in a part of time, most smallest time, may disappear, everything.

O People! Give your most high glorifying and most high praises to our Lord, that His order is only between, "Be," and, "Don't be." O our Lord, forgive us! We are asking Your most high glorifying through Creation from pre-Eternal up to Eternal, Your most beloved servant for You, the king from pre-Eternal up to Eternal for Your creatures is Sayyidina Muhammad (s)! (Mawlana Shaykh sits.)

O People! We know nothing. We know nothing until the Lord of Heavens is asking for His creatures to know something. Everything in existence must know their Creator. Can't be atoms and less atoms; all of them must know Who created them and they must give their highest glorifying to their Creator.

O our Salafi `ulamas, what are you saying to this? What is your opinion? No opinion on dominions! You are asking a proof for that and a`oodhu billahi min ash-Shaytani ‘r-rajeem. I am running from Shaytan's tricks and to fall in his traps. Therefore, I am asking for a support that is supporting my smallest being against Shaytan and Shaytanic works. I am saying also bismillahi ‘r-Rahmaani ‘r-Raheem. The sword of heavens was granted to Man, and I am asking from my master, master of this planet, qutub, the pole of this planet, and I am asking for a support from his holy power. If he is not giving a permission, I can't speak to you and I can't address anyone. I am going to be the most weakest one. I must ask, "O my master! Let us know something from what you are granting to our small group, and addressing from east to west and north to south, to declare a heavenly declaration for creatures." Yes.

In this discussion, we are beginning by asking Wahabi `ulama or Salafi `ulama, ma qawlukum, "What is your opinion?" No opinion. There is reality. Don't say according to my opinion, no. No opinion to you. We are not accepting (anyone who says) "my opinion," no. Your answer must come through heavenly beings, that they are speaking real truth to make our hearts find a full satisfaction. If they are not giving that satisfaction, nothing may give you a satisfaction through your heart. Therefore, don't say to me, "According to my knowledge," or, "According to my opinion," no.

It is such a wire without running in it power of electricity. If not running, what is that wire? Nothing? Yes. There is when you are clicking this lamp and you are cutting the power that running through wires to that lamp. Lamp by itself can't give a light; no, it is impossible. But it must be granted to give a light to ourselves. Light is also coming from that lamp. From where is it coming? To where is it going? How is it running through wires? Does anyone know? Scientists, do you know? You may say only positive pole and negative pole. That is their last horizon for understanding the power of electricity. They are asking, and we are looking and saying, that power just appearing through poles: one is negative and one is positive.

O scientists! What is negative and what is positive? To be a sign of positivity, and secondly, they are putting another line and you are saying that is negative pole and that is positive. What is positive and negative beings? From the same spring, source. Different sources, what are those sources? How is that going to be positive and second negative? Who is putting positive of being, that one negative being and that one positive? No one knowing? They are saying for understanding that Man just prepared and Man was just created in such a way to understand the reality of being positive or negative. Finally, we may come to a level that we may even look and we may say that is a positive one, and looking at the other one saying that is a negative one. What does it mean? Positive one, every movement that one is bringing in existence, it is a useful being for the Creation. What about for the negative pole? The negative pole, also it has such a strange being. That is what happening from positive pole, that just going to be used, taken by negative pole and sending away (that energy).

As a person is eating, eating what it is giving benefit for person, the body is keeping in it, and what it is not suitable to be protected inside and taken away. That is positive and that is negative, and so on. This means they are under such a way. There is positive understanding and negative one. Positive understanding is granted to your spiritual being and negative side of Man that just taken from it. What it is that is going to be taken from that one, and is going to be empty and thrown out. Now we were saying Allah Almighty is creating and everything must know their Creator. If their understanding is positive, that is going to be forever. Real reality is granted to that one, and that means truth that belongs to heavens. There can't be in it any other element for changing it. It is pure power that is making people to understand from reality. Don't think that everything is not going to know Who created them and granted them to be in existence. Everything, even smallest part of matter, must know this and must say subhaanAllah, "Glory to our Creator," glory to our Creator, glory to our Creator.

What about you, O Mankind? Are you saying this even daily, "Glory to our Creator?" Endless Glory Oceans to our Creator, are you saying? You are drunk, drinking whiskey, drinking beer, and drinking vodka.

"Drinking my darling, what you are drinking?"

"Who is speaking to me?"

"You are not recognizing me?"

"O my darling, you are? I was just drinking so much tonight, I lost my memory. I even forgot that I am with you for 60 years."

"O thank you my darling. You are my darling." And bringing this looking (eyeglasses).

"You are my lady? Do you have any doubt that I am also tapa, full, full drunk? Therefore I must bring two witnesses to say that you are my darling."

"What happened? Come and look. That lady, my lady. My darling or another one? Who is that one? I am looking. My darling, she was not such an ugly one, that looks like a duck."

"Huh? Duck! O my darling, you lost your memory. No, come here..."

"You recognize me? Yes sir, from your ... now I understand."

"Now we are happy. O my darling, now, I am recognizing you and a person when he is losing his darling for a long time hen they are meeting and recognizing by force. I am so happy."

"O my darling... she was not in such a way, but what we shall do."

O People! That whiskey, champagne, or vodka is making people become so ugly, no-mind ones. Leave that, and come to learn to know about your Creator! Even ants are knowing their Creator; even atoms are recognizing and knowing their Creator, and they are glorifying their Creator saying, subhaanAllah, subhaanAllah, subhaanAllah, "Glory to my Creator! Glory to my Creator! Glory to my Creator!"

O People! Today, one day more went away from our lives. We don't know which day is going to be our last day. Sometimes use your mentality. Sometimes use the grant of heavens that you have been granted from the Lord of Heavens to know Him. Are you using it or not? People are drunk now. That atom is knowing it's Creator and what is the proof that they are knowing their Creator?

O Wahabi `ulama! Why are you not saying to people that everything is making dhikr, while you are against dhikr? Always saying, bid'ah, bid'ah, kufr. Say to ants also, because they are doing dhikr. Are you not reciting the Holy Qur'an? What is it saying?

وَإِن مِّن شَيْءٍ إِلاَّ يُسَبِّحُ بِحَمْدَهِ وَلَـكِن لاَّ تَفْقَهُونَ تَسْبِيحَهُمْ

wa in min shayyin illa yusabbihu bihamdihi, wa laakin la tafqahoona tasbeehahoom, "...and there is not a single thing but extols His limitless glory and praise: but you [O Man] fail to grasp the manner of their glorifying Him!" (17:44)

min shayin illa yusabbihu bihamdihi, "..there is not a single thing but extols His limitless glory and praise." (17:44) That is dhikr, or not? Go to ants and other creatures and say, "Don't do that, it is bid'ah." Why are you not saying this? You are coming to me saying, "O Shaykh, you are collecting people and making them to say Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Allah Allah. But you are rushing on people, saying, "If you are making dhikr, you are making shirk." From where are you bringing this? And you say, "We are `ulama." The Holy Qur'an is saying,

وَإِن مِّن شَيْءٍ إِلاَّ يُسَبِّحُ بِحَمْدَهِ وَلَـكِن لاَّ تَفْقَهُونَ تَسْبِيحَهُمْ

yusabbihu bihamdihi, walakin la tafqahoona tasbeehahoom, "...and there is not a single thing but extols His limitless glory and praise: but you [O Man] fail to grasp the manner of their glorifying Him!" (17:44)

If I am collecting people, and making them say all together, SubhaanAllah, Sultan Allah, SubhaanAllah, Sultan Allah, SubhaanAllah, Sultan Allah," they are saying, "That is bid'ah." Dhikr is bid'ah? From where are you bringing this, so foolishly?! How? From where? What is your proof? Say! You can't say, because you are not using either your mentality or mind, and are never using your heart's power. You are going to be occupied only through your mind's production. If there is mind's production, much more important is the production of our hearts. Give your hearing for your heart, and try to hear what your heart is saying also! It is saying, Al-Lah, Al-Lah, Al-Lah, Al-Lah, Al-Lah, Al-Lah, Al-Lah!

You can't say to me, "No," because Allah Almighty is saying wa in min shayin illa yusabbihu bi-hamdihi. Our heart must say Allah, Allah, subhaanAllah. Allah, Allah, subhaanAllah. Allah, Allah, subhaanAllah: the whole world may fall on it. Yes, what we shall do? Allahu akbar! Allahu akbar!

You may say over the level of `ulamas, look and listen. Don't say, "We know everything." No, you know nothing as I know nothing, but I am giving my heart to hear and something coming to my ear through my heart, and we are saying something or else I am not knowing also. But such a meaning, it is a grant from the heavens that believers can understand more and more, because 'ilm is a heavenly light granted through heavenly beings to some selected ones of Mankind that are prepared to take that power, heavenly power for hearing and to give. As this, such as scientific instruments, they are hearing and giving. If I am saying a person may listen from heaven. Wahabi ulema may say it can't be. If I am saying that a man may say about heavens, you may say it can't be. It is possible for that instrument, and He who created our physical beings, no connection between a machine and between a man's manifestation. This manifesting is so easy, so easy, it is nothing. But people saying, "Ohhh! Technology has just reached the top level."

(O `ulamas!) Why are you not looking and seeing that endlessly powers have been granted to you from heavens? Why are you not saying this? If anyone is saying that, you are saying, "You are making shirk!" What is that shirk? Take away kufr from your books, according to your knowledge. It is not kufr! Those people related to heavenly knowledge are saying when a mu'min (believer) going to be (in a state of) kufr (unbelief), a person is going to be in kufr? Imam Sha`rani said qutubs are not accepting such a thing. But in spite of them (Wahabis), there is a qutub - people who have been granted heavenly powers. They are saying that if you are going to call a person kafir, we must look from which doors coming in, until he is coming from that door out, then we can say kafir. Which door are you going and becoming Muslim? The doors of shahada, to say Ash-hadu an laa ilaaha illa-Llah, wa ash-hadu anna Muhammadan `abduhu wa rasooluh (s). According to Shari`atullah that is a mu'min. When does he become kafir? If he is coming out and saying, "I am not believing what I was saying before," then you may say that is a kafir.

Even Holy Qur'an saying about one companion of Rasoolullah (s), that he was once killing a person who was saying, As-salaamu alaykum, as-salaamu alaykum. Rasoolullah (s) was blaming him when he said this word because he was fearing that (the other) may kill him. Rasoolullah was saying,"Did you open his heart and looking that he is not Muslim?" Even if a person (is only) saying, As-salaamu alaykum, you must say that is a Muslim, that is mu'min. But Salafi `ulama using (accusing) for everything, "Bid'ah, kufr, shirk, haram."

You must know a new period coming and perhaps that period of this world is going to be the last period. Try to learn Shari'at Muhammadiya (law of Muhammad [s]). Beware of Shaytan carrying you to the Fire. Follow salafu as-saaliheen, the ways of Sahaaba (r) that they are taking from prophets.

O People! Hear and obey. Always blame your ego. Don't try to blame people, (as Salafis) saying, "That is (the way of) ahlu 'l-bid`ah, that is ahlu 'l-kufr, ahlu 'sh-shirk, ahlu 'l-haraam." Leave that for you (Salafis)! You take care for yourself, because you have not yet been granted a heavenly certificate that you are a real mu'min or Muslim on your way to Paradise. Don't do this, and leave people to their Lord. Allahu khayrun haafidhan wa arhamu-raahimeen wa ahkama'l-haakimeen. Don't give hukum, O Salafi `ulama. Allah Almighty is warning you and saying, alaysa 'Llahu bi ahkami 'l-haakimeen. What we have said, bela wa akhsah. Don't be hakim, judge on people's actions. Leave them and look after yourself. How it should be the Day of Resurrection? May Allah forgive us, O People!

dome dome dome dome

dome dome dome dome

dome dome dome dome

dome dome dome dome

Don't say, "Shaykh is singing, dome dome. That is bid'ah." Don't be judge for anyone! Allah knows. Because Allah's Prophet (s) was saying, innama `amala bi niyat, "Actions are according to their intentions." I am not making dome dome dome dome, dome dome dome dome for my ego, no, but to make people happy! Coming a happiness and refreshment to people, to our listeners. Ka annahu min aswatil samawaat, "It is like a sound from Heaven."

dome dome dome dome

dome dome dome dome

dome dome dome dome

dome dome dome dome

Allah Almighty forgives us, forgive our Salafi `ulama, and forgive everyone as He likes.

(47 minutes)

Thank you for your listening, O my listeners. Forgive me also. You say, "At least Shaykh becoming kharfaan, too old one. He is not knowing what he is saying. He is not understanding. Therefore, it doesn't matter. We forgive him. It doesn't matter." All of Hadith Qudsee says, "When My servant is reaching 90 years, I am forgiving him and making him `ateeq, saved. I saved him and he is going to be `uttaqau 'r-rahman." We are on that level. Don't blame me, O young `ulama. No, forgive me, and Allah (will) forgive you.


Kamis, 03 Desember 2009

Try to Know the Representative of the Divinely Being

Mawlana Shaykh Nazim Adil Al-Haqqani Sultanul Awliya | Sunday, Nov 08, 2009 | Lefke CY
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Try to Know the Representative of the Divinely Being

Sultan al-Awliya

Mawlana Shaykh Nazim

8 November 2009 Lefke, Cyprus

(Mawlana Shaykh stands).

Dastoor ya RijaalAllah, madad! Stand up, O listeners for the honor of our Lord, our Creator and say takbeer, Allahu akbar, Allahu akbar, la ilaaha illa-Llah, Allahu akbar, Allahu akbar, wa lillahi ‘l-hamd!

Whole praising and whole glory that even our imagination can’t reach its beginning or ending really, no beginning and no ending. Beginning and ending, that is for creatures and not for the Creator, Allah Almighty, to be the same beginning or ending. Hasha! Azaliyun abadiyun. No one knows the real meaning of “azali” and “`abadi”. We may say only pre-Eternal and Eternal, we may say Eternity; that is only our understanding level and for whole creations, also. And we are giving our most high respects to that one who was created by his Lord first, the first creation; he is Sayyidina Muhammad (s). Allah gives him much more honor, as He knows that we are asking. And we are saying to our master that Allah grants to him much more praising and honor and heavenly power according to His karam, generosity. (Mawlana Shaykh sits).

O People! Our listeners, don’t listen to me, no. Listen to that one who is making me speak to you, to address you. That is important. As-salaamu `alaykum! O our listeners from Mankind! Knowledge that is granted to Mankind has no measure. There is no measuring that, because knowledge from heavens is just running like water. You know, our listeners? Sleeping? Stand up! Some people are bringing you coffee to drink and you are happy to drink coffee. Don’t drink whiskey to be drunk ones. Drunk ones, their levels are under the level of animals. We are not coming here to be drunk, no. We are coming here and the Lord of Heavens is asking an opening for ourselves. He Almighty likes that His servants know something about their Lord. Therefore, when you are sitting here, give your hearing and try to hear as much as possible with an understanding. Not only listening, because everything that is from the heavens is coming and reaching to the deputies of the Lord of Heavens. There is coming something for understanding, but some people are never using that. Therefore, they are going to be drunk.

The Lord of Heavens is sending His Divine addressing through His most honored one and His only representative, because Allah Almighty is not using two representatives: He is only One and His representative must be one. But don’t think that the representative is representing his Lord fully. Can’t be! No, it is impossible because there are not two gods. There can’t be two gods! Is anyone seeing on a throne two kings sitting, or three sitting? Can’t be! Allah Almighty’s Throne, no one is knowing that one’s reality; impossible! But there is also a throne that belongs to our universe, that belongs to heavens. But the Divine Throne, no one is knowing this through heavens. As, for example, an architect is making a model, but it is not a real building, it is only a model. This is only for giving an understanding, very weak also. We may speak more than this, without an ending. Because what belongs to divinely levels belongs to only that One Heavenly, as a model. Even that is covering the whole Creation. No one is going to be bigger than the Throne of Allah Almighty and that is only a representing throne, representing from unknown except its name, `Arshullah, given to this.

O people, hear and try to understand something! Try to know who you are, try to know your honor, try to know the representative of the Divinely Being through heavenly levels. Allahu akbar, Allahu akbar!

Yes, it is mentioned that Allah Almighty is ordering that Holy Throne to be held up, ordering to four angels: Sayyidina Jibra’eel, Sayyidina Azra`eel, Sayyidina Mika’eel and Sayyidina Isra’feel (a), and each one can carry whole heavenly levels. They can’t do anything, `ajizun, unable. They are saying, “O our Lord, we can’t do, we can’t do,” and He is granting for helping them, so many angels. On four great angels, countless angels helping them! Allah Almighty is creating them and ordering, “Help them!” They are trying but can’t carry it up and coming a holy announcement - that is not Allah Almighty’s sound. No, can’t be! You can’t prepare to hear Allah Almighty’s addressing. He is Unknown Being, He is Allah Almighty! And announcement from divinely level, one level, two levels, three levels, four levels, five levels, six levels, seven levels. They are stopping there, but really for divinely levels you can’t say any number. We are knowing about seven heavenly levels, but divinely levels no one knowing their numbers. Numbers can’t reach; billions, trillions, ten trillions and never reaching to add divinely levels, no! We are on heavenly levels. Those levels and their realities, it is impossible to be known.

(Mawlana Shaykh stands) Allahu akbar! Akbar! Allahu akbar! Akbar! Allahu akbar Allah, Allah! (Mawlana sits.)

O our Lord! O our Lord! We are knowing nothing, we are knowing nothing! They are making this weak servant sometimes to speak on ilahiyat, divinity; Divinely Presence. O people living (in) aakhiri 'z-zamaan, Last Days’ people! From one side you are lucky that such an opening is coming to you close to Last Day. Ummamu maadiya, nations that passed away, are not granted such a knowledge. No! And no one is speaking on it up to today. But we are reaching to Last Day and getting something from Holy Qur‘an Oceans, to make an understanding for living ones, and to dress them with an honor that nations that passed before this nation, the nation of Muhammad (s) never granted. Only may be Ulul Azam, like Sayyidina `Ibrahim, Sayyidina Nuh, Sayyidina Musa, Sayyidina ‘Isa (a), wa Sayyidi'l-awwaleena wa 'l-akhireen wa sayyidi 'l-anbiya wa 'l-mursaleen Sayyidina Muhammad (s), despite Wahabis and Salafis, Sayyidina Muhammad (s)!! (Mawlana Shaykh stands, then sits.)

Allah, Allah. O People! The representative for our Creator on heavenly levels is now opening something to people to prepare them for getting up, getting higher, higher, higher, endlessly higher stations and dominions of Allah Almighty. Allahu akbar, Allahu akbar.

O People! Leave being drunk, and the Lord of Heavens grants you a good understanding. Then you should be ashamed that you are not giving real respect for holy orders of heavens. Now whole nations left heavenly orders and they are running after their mindly products. And I am sorry to say that Islamic learned people, `ulama are saying, “We are doctors.” (Title of) “Doctor” not any honor in Islamic literature, but `ulama. (Allah says:) إِنَّمَا يَخْشَى اللَّهَ مِنْ عِبَادِهِ الْعُلَمَاء - innamaa yakhsh'Allaaha min `ibaadihi al-`ulama - those truly fear Allah, among His Servants, who have knowledge." (35:28) In our time learned people are saying, “Our certificate is from Sorbonne,” “Doctor Fulan,” or, “I have seven certificates from Mauritania.” Some others saying, “I have a certificate from Congo!”

“There are Congo doctors?”

“Yes, sir, there certificate also; through jungles, giving certificate that you are a doctor.”

Doctor in which branch? Doctor to know men from women? To know man from monkeys? We are sometimes catching and bringing a gorilla. Because new-fashion doctors are saying that Man is coming from monkeys! Therefore, we are catching sometimes from white man and bringing a gorilla. And looking, “This man coming from this one.” When we are saying this, our grand `ulama are giving us medals that we are certified for understanding between man and apes! So that in Africa, mostly, we have such a certificate that we are knowing between Man and ape. And then we are swearing (like) white people, who are saying that Man is coming from this creature. “Who is saying this and now accepting, we are giving a certificate! Take this, you are doctor also!”

(Mawlana Shaykh turns to Shaykh Adnan.) How it is, Adnan Effendi? Important point, you must understand sometimes.

O our listeners, don’t sleep! How many times saying to you, “Don’t sleep!” Open your eyes and listen to me! If you can find second one to speak through east and west, bring to me. No one, no one! That is a specialty that Allah Almighty granting. He grants a weak servant to know, to speak and to make a plea to understand. If someone is understanding, it is okay. Most people are not understanding, leave them!

Prophet (s) was saying, “O our Lord, grant us such a power, to be prophets, messengers from heavenly levels.” Coming, but those people never coming to understand what Allah is saying. Leave them! How many are accepting? Accepting others? Doesn’t matter! Through jungles, so many animals living. Let them among Mankind be like wild animals in jungles! We are in need only of those who are understanding. O People! Therefore, try to be someone that (is) understanding; that is your honor. If you are coming here and understanding nothing, your value going to be under zero!

Allah Allah, Allah Allah,

Allah Allah, Allah Allah

Allah Allah, `Azeez Allah,

Allah Allah, Kareem Allah

Dome dome dome dome,

Dome dome dome dome,

Dome dome dome dome,

Dome dome dome dome.

Dome dome dome dome,

Dome dome dome dome,

Dome dome dome dome,

Dome dome dome dome.

Forgive us, O our Lord, for the honor of that most honored one! Fatihah.

(35 minutes)

Dome dome dome dome

Even 35 minutes, that may grant to you more than 45 minutes, because it is so high level for understanding. People whom they are not reaching the horizon of what we are saying now, they are never going to understand; only what their egos are asking from them, and Shaytan urging them and saying, “Leave those things and come with us, we may go. Better (not) to listen such words, better for us to go to sewage channels, dancing, dancing and making with high sounds like donkeys is better for us.”

Dome dome dome dome,

Dome dome dome dome,

Dome dome dome dome,

Dome dome dome dome.

This is tonight’s subject, (and although) we are not yet saying A`udhu billahi min ash-Shaytaani ‘r-rajeem. Bismillahi ‘r-Rahmaani ‘r-Raheem, they are opening a channel that is astonishing our headly, mindly capacity. Such heavy knowledge, only going to be granted to such a people that they are only for their Lord’s servants. Try for understanding, Pope and Dalai Lama and chief rabbi and bishops and Azhar Shareef. Don’t use, don’t lose your valuable time for some discussion that Shaytan is asking you to come in the center of that bad situation, for cheating you.

I heard that they are coming and asking Shaykh ul-Azhar about niqaab. Yes, we are saying that the Lord of Heavens ordered to use the niqaab for ladies whom they are keeping heavenly orders, they should be granted such a beauty in Paradise that angels should be astonished from their beauty. Whom they are showing their beauties to men, that they are not halaal for them, then their faces going to be so ugly that people should run away from them. And look in Holy Qur’an. Don’t leave yourself to be in discussion with such a Shaytanic people. May Allah take them away with Wahabi and Salafi people.

Fatihah. (43 minutes)

Carrying as they like... bombarding... Allahu akbar, Allahu akbar, Allahu akbar.

Try to Know the Representative of the Divinely Being - Mawlana Shaykh Nazim Adil Al-Haqqani Sultanul Awliya - Sunday, Nov 08, 2009

Try to Know the Representative of the Divinely Being - Mawlana Shaykh Nazim Adil Al-Haqqani Sultanul Awliya - Sunday, Nov 08, 2009

Minggu, 01 November 2009

O Christians! Wake up!

O Christians! Wake up!
Mawlana Shaykh Nazim Adil Al-Haqqani Sultanul Awliya qs
Monday, October 13, 2009 | Lefke CY

(Mawlana standing )

O Our Creatures, forgive us and bless ourselves for the honor of the most honored through Your Divine Presence, Sayyidina Muhammad zidhu ya rabban sharafan wa izzan wa farhan wa surooran. We are thankful to our Lord that He created us from his nation, nation of Sayidina Muhammad (s), and we are saying at the beginning Audhu billahi minash-shaytan ir-rajeem. Bismillahir-rahman ir-raheem. Meded ya Sayyidee. As salamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakutuhu,

O our listeners and whole mankind. Be, try to be obedient servants. Daily we may say we may repeat, This word, O mankind, be obedient servants or try to be if you can't be obedient, but you must try to be obedient servants for the Lord of Heavens. And our lord Who created us is never asking anything. The Lord of Heavens asking only obediency.

O My servants! I am asking from you, obediency. You may be Muslims, you may be Christians, you may be Huuuu... Jewish servants. You may be black ones, white ones. You may be learned or unlearned ones. You may be black ones, or white ones, or yellow ones, or red ones. I am asking from all of you, one thing. I am that One Who created you and giving to you that honor to be My servants. I am created you, O mankind, and
ordering to you, O My servants I am asking from you true servanthood. Be true servants to Me. I am not asking anything from you.

I created everything on earth, on the skies, thru east and west. Everything I created. And I am giving to them an understanding. I am asking from you one thing. I am not using you for My purposes. You are not workers. Workers working for their masters to give some benefit for them to them. But I not created you to work for Me. No. Just I created you for My servanthood. I am not making you slaves, no.

Servanthood is something, and slavery is something else. Or worker, to be worker, that is something else. Are you saying, O pope, your holiness, you are giving daily order to whole Christians. You are bashshir, are you sending your holy reminding every day Christians and saying to them, "O Christians world! I am reminding you and warning you. I am reminding you that you are servants. You have been created to be servants. Servanthood the highest level that may reach any creation. You are daily sending message through east and west to say.

"O Christians! Wake up. I am looking that you are just occupied yourselves for dunya or for sadanas (syaitan) or for your egoes. Beware! I am your holy one on earth, as being a pope, I am ordering and reminding you. O Christians! Try to be right Christians. Warning issued. And night time also for reminding you.I am reminding you that.

O people, O Christians, may be your last tonite and try to be at least tonite an obedient one to your Lord, your Creator. Are you reminding them or not, your holiness. I am nothing but I am asking. Because mostly Christians running after dunya, after this life to reach much more, much more material, wealth, and their last target to make heaps of materials only to be written or just mentioned through registration office, that, "that one he has such-and-such buildings, fields, or villages or cities or banks. That is their last target. But you must try to wake up. I am a weak servant, as you are a weak servant.

O pope also.What you are dressing? That people are saying you are the head of Christianity. I like your holines to wake up whole christian world to come and to say for their Lord, "O our Lord, we are working for You! That is a warning and it is suitable warning that coming through whole holy books.

You as a pope, you know what it is written through Old Testament and New Testament. What was saying Jesus Christ (pbuh) to the children of Israeel, what was he saying. "Come and listen to me, the Children of Israel, you are runing too much after dunya, after this temporary life, much more runnig people after temporary targets, you are.

Jesus Christ saying to them. Come, leave that and come to a real being that it should be your Lord's Divinely Present. Come and accept this or what do you think Jesus Christ was saying, fairy tales to children of Israel. What was saying, Sayyidina Musa (pbuh) to the children of Israel? Calling them to dunya for this temporary life or calling them, "O the Children of Israel, my Lord just spoke to me and saying 'O Moses! Go and call your nation the Children of Israel to run after temporary pleasures.' Say to them enough what they are saving from golden and precious stones and to fill treasures. no.

It is not from Divienly Wisdom to make prophets that they are coming from heavens to say to people gather, take as much as you can take, take from treasures of this world! Which Prophet was saying this? Now they are crying, the Children of Israeel are crying, (crying) O Shaykh this economical crisis is just braking our backs. We lost so many billions of dollars. So many things we lost it. Show us O shaykh. I am saying take away this econmical crisis. It is not enough for you, for eating and drinking? No.

O Shaykh we must save more. Why you are not going to be like Moses, he save something? No, sir, but Qarun he saved. What happened at the end just hit him a big crisis, from up coming on him and whole which he was saving and collecting just passed away. Nothing with him, now you know this thru holy books.

O Chief Rabbi. Are you sending a message to Jewish nation the children of Israeel? Why not making issue daily from Chief Rabbi's center, official command from Chief of Rabbis center. I am ordering to you, don't be worried for dunya. Dont try to collect it. Leave that and try to collect treasures from the eternity, for eternal life.

O so beautfiul word that when I am speaking, eternity, eternity, coming to my heart so refereshment, and so fresh power coming to me and coming to me so endless pleasure I am saying eternity, eternity, eternity, eternity.

O Chief Rabbi, say to the Children of Israeel, you are losing also this, instead to say (on tasbeeh) Dollars, Dollars, coming now big crisis coming. Say instead eternity, eternity, eternity o Our Lord, to be with You, eternity,eternity, eternity. Look what coming to you. No quarrelling, Allah almighty the Lord of heavnes, the Creator, never giving permission to mankind to fight each other for dunya. And whole prophets were saying, ad-dunya jeefatun this dunya is like a carcass. Why are you after it.

What happened. What happened to Rockefeller, he was one of riches persons. Why not saying O our Lord, be only for you Our Lord, I love You O my Lord, we love you O my Lord. You are so beautiful, endless beauty oceans for You. endless glory oceans for You. Endless endless Mighty Power oceans for You. Endless dominions for You. Why am I wasting my life for nothing.

O Chief Rabbi, I am only a weak servant reminding you. Wake up and say to your nation, "Stop quarreling! Stop fighgting and give to everyone their right. Everyone must give rights to everyone. not what I am saying what happeneing between Arabs and Israel and I am not saying only what happened from Christian countires among themselves. That is a common warning coming from heavens. That keep quiet, be clever. Try to use your good mentality. Try to be a good one. Try to be an obedient servant.

O people! Anything wrong, Pope, O Chief Rabbi, O bishops, I am saying wrong? He knows and you may look through your holy books what is written in it. Now people fearing from others more than their Lord.

O people! Come and listen. Come and Listen and try to be obedient ones. Only for Allah. Therefore an angel through seven levels of heavens they have a trumpet, and calling people.

O people! O mankind! O whole humanity! Try to be obedient servants. We are looking that you are forgetting what you giving your promise in His Divinely Present and saying, O Our Lord You created us and we are to be your servants." You are forgetting that oath and saying to sahytan, O sadanas your way is good, and happy and enjoyful we are following you and you must be first and we are last ones folowing you.

It is big blame for nations. It is big blame for christian world and muslim world, that they are tyring to follow western countries. Big blame for them also and no one trying to teach nations the right path. And Allah Almighty going to take His revenge from whole nations whom they are following and followers of sadanas and leaving heavenly orders.

O people! Try to be obedient servants, morning and evening, morning and evening and religious people and real mission to call people to their lord's obediency. Jesus Christ never coming to reach something from this life. Jesus or Moses never coming to collect treasures from this earth.

(Mawlana standing)

And Sayyidina Muhammad (s), never calling his nation to a high life and to enjoy themselves to give their egoistic desires to fulfill their material aspects, No. He said only "Allah" and he walked. When he said, "Allah" Allah opened for them east and west and through 25 years his power just reached from far east to far west. Sayyidina Muhammad (s) sharafan wa karaman O ya sayyidee ya Rasulullah, we are trying to follow his holy ways but we are weak servants what we can do?

( Mawlana Sits)

I am a weak servant but my hobby, my hope, to reach to everyone what they are saying and I am here ready to accept their objections on such a speech. I am ready. No one may say that "you are speakin wrong." no. Who saying this must be shaytan. May Allah forgives us.

dome, dome, dome, dome, dome, dome,
dome, dome, dome, dome, dome, dome,

O man! you are asking always a high life.
come and listen what saying:

dome, dome, dome, dome, dome, dome,
dome, dome, dome, dome, dome, dome,

Only His Saying to mankind :
Come and be obedient servants,
you should reach everyrthing that
you like here and hereafter
and you should be happy by saying:

dome, dome, dome, dome, dome, dome,
dome, dome, dome, dome, dome, dome,
dome, dome, dome, dome, dome, dome,

(37 minutes Sayyidee)

I am a little bit tired. This is enough for those who are understanding something. If he has a head lilke footbal, never going to understand, if they are making me to address you up to morning never getting anything through their minds. Whom they are renting their heads and their willpower through hands of shaytan they are never understanding. But they are making me to address those people whom they are not yet giving their whole will power to hand of shaytan.

Therefore, O people! O people! I am sorry, I am sorry for whole nations. Because the situation on earth, every nation they are making last power, jahad, efforts, for dunya and for shaytan. That making my heart to cry, and I am asking forgiveness from the Lord of Heavens. Send us what You promised to take Your servants from that condition, from bad servant to save them and to be Your good servants. I am asking for myself to be a good servant and asking for everyone to be good servants.

O people! I may swear to you. Sometimes some people, going too much forward, may be tomorrow through graveyard. I am weak servant but it is terrible, terrible will with me as they are fearing from some virus. There you can't see them but you can see me.It is ok, some people among other people the Lord of Heavens, saying that "I have some mukhlis sincere servants, if they are saying, I am giving to them some power if they say to something be it is going to be.

Beware of those people. Keep your tongues or something may reach to you tommorrow that you are not going to be happy. May Allah forgive us. I am weak for today's a weakness coming on me. Some of them may say, that shaykh passed through heavens and we should be free ones. Do everything but that shaykh speaking always againts ourselves making our enjoyment mulahat ?

We are losing when we are listening such a words if we are not taking too much enjoyment from anything. Therefore we are asking he should leave quickly and we should take too much enjoyments. No, if that shaykh going, 10 coming, and if 10 going 100 coing and if 100 going 1000 coming and if 20 going, 200 coming. Every time going, coming another one. The heavenly armies surrounding now this world. Because people they are getting out of order. Allah, Allah, Allah Ya Rabbee, forgive us we are weak servants. Fatiha

( 45 minutes sayyidee )

45 Thank you for listeners. My listeneres dont worry, dont worry. If not today, I am going tomorrow, if not tomorrow after one month or after one year or after 10 years.O shaykh too much 10 years. Every day we are listening this. Perhaps I may go after 25 years. Perhaps He may give me long for me to be like Noah as. Like 100 years they are hearing form you. No.

A little bit. a little bit.
each day I am giving I am keeping
a stick that I have been granted
from heavens from my grandsahykh

sometimes my stick may come on their heads
and Allah taking them away.
sometimes, I am weakest one
but power coming to me. Amen

Welcome to you. welcome to you! welcome to you. The leaders of nations, number ones. Number ones or even number two, or even number three, you may come and listen and hear the sound of heavens through a weakest servant's speech.

I am not asking to be anything. I am hating to be something. I like to be nothing but you like to be soemthing. That is big bala, cursing on people. Alhamdulillah I was asking, no working downstairs or upstairs us. haha , yessir, enough.

Wa min Allah at Tawfeeq

Senin, 07 September 2009

Mencuri, Membajak

Bebera minggu yang lalu ketika negara tetangga kita atau bahkan mungkin hanya warga negaranya mengambil tanpa ijin seni budaya kita semuanya menjadi emosi dan marah, bahkan banyak pernyataan bahwasanya memang sejak dahulu negara tetangga kita ini suka sekali mengambil tanpa ijin budaya kita.

Ketika apa yang manjadi milik kita diambil tanpa ijin atau dengan kata lain dicuri secara alamiah kita semua kan menjadi marah, gundah, bahkan kita semua sampai sampai menyumpahi sipencuri tersebut.

Tapi bagaimana perasaan si pencuri?.....,

Mungkin ada penyesalan, dan meminta maaf sambil berdalih bahwasanya itu terpaksa atau didasari ketidak tahuan...........

Atau tenang tenang saja karena sudah terbiasa dan tidak ada rasa bersalah sama sekali........

Mengambil tanpa ijin sipemilik atau mencuri dilihat dari hukum manapun pasti salah.......

Tapi sadarkah kita kalu kita juga sering mencuri hak orang lain?, bahkan dengan santainya kita memakainya, menikmatinya, dengan tanpa ada rasa bersalah sama sekali walau kita tau kalau itu melanggar hukum............

Kita menggunakan software bajakan dari mulai OS sampai aplkasinya......, bahkan dengan santai kita menikmati MP3 bajakan............

Salah kah itu?, berdosa?............

Kita harus jujur itu salah dan jelas itu dosa, kita tidak bisa hanya memohon ampun pada Tuhan karena ini dosa yang menyangkut dengan hubungan orang lain, kita juga harus meminta maaf [ada orang yang bersangkutan..........

Mungkin kah kita meminta maaf pada oarang yang bersangkutan?.........

Sulit ya...........

Mari dibulan yang penuh berkat ini kata mulai bebenah diri untuk sedikit demi sedikit meninggalkam perbuatan itu yang pasti akan mengerogoti tabungan amal ibadah kita........

Mari kita tinggalkan budaya mencuri, membajak pada diri kita.........

Ya Rabbi tunjukan yang banar itu benar dan beri kekuatan hamba untuk menjalankannya.....
Ya Rabbi tunjukan yang salah itu salah dan beri kekuatan hamba untuk meninggalkannya....


Kamis, 13 Agustus 2009

Seting modem HP ZTE C300

Saat ini sudah banyak operator seluler yang menyediakan pasilitas conecting internet dengan biaya yang terjangkau walaupun dari segi pelayanan masih banyak menuai komplain dari pemakai jasa, ya biasa pemakai inginnya murah tapi cepet yang sementara pihak operator mempunyai tujuan yang berbeda walau dalam iklannya begitu sangat menggoda................
Kebetulan saya selalu menggunakan hand phone dari type CDMA operator fren yang ahir ahir ini juga menawarkan program pasilitas internet bahkan ada bundel dengan modemnya sekalian dengan driver untuk windows, untuk modem jenis PCMA tersebut belum memberi dukungan untuk pengguna linux, setelah menghubungi operator ternyata pasilitas tersebut bisa dijalankan melalui hand phone, saya ingat kalau HP merk JTE type C300 bisa dimanpaatkan untuk modem kebetulan saya punya HP tersebut walau sudah rusak spekernya.
Saya coba hubungkan hp tersebut dengan komputer dengan kabel mini USB, oh ya OS saya Ubuntu 9.04. Cek apakah HP tersebut sudah terbaca dengan menggunakan perintah dibawah ini dengan “Terminal”
> :$ lsusb
kalo keluar data seperti ini :

Bus 001 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0002 Linux Foundation 2.0 root hub

Bus 005 Device 004: ID 05c6:3197 Qualcomm, Inc. CDMA Wireless Modem/Phone

Bus 005 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0001 Linux Foundation 1.1 root hub

Bus 004 Device 002: ID 0a48:3233 I/O Interconnect Multimedia Card Reader

Bus 004 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0001 Linux Foundation 1.1 root hub

Bus 003 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0001 Linux Foundation 1.1 root hub

Bus 002 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0001 Linux Foundation 1.1 root hub

maka HP tersebut sudah terdeteksi sebagai modem dengan kode pendor 05c6 type produk 3197 dan tinggal instal modulnya dengan menuliskan peintah pada terminal :
>:$ sudo modprobe usbserial vendor=0x05c6 product=0x3197
kemudian tinggal d cek dengan perintah
>$: dmesg
kalo keluar data seperti ini :

[ 4498.576031] usb 5-2: new full speed USB device using uhci_hcd and address 4

[ 4503.800551] usb 5-2: configuration #1 chosen from 1 choice

[ 4503.881936] USB Serial support registered for moto-modem

[ 4503.881967] moto-modem 5-2:1.0: moto-modem converter detected

[ 4503.882066] usb 5-2: moto-modem converter now attached to ttyUSB0

[ 4503.882079] moto-modem 5-2:1.1: moto-modem converter detected

[ 4503.882143] usb 5-2: moto-modem converter now attached to ttyUSB1

artinya sudah terbaca dengan baik tinggal seting dialup nya, itu tergantung anda mau pakai pasilitas yang mana, mau pakai network tool atau dari terminal, saya lebih suka pakai terminal menggunakan “wvdial”, ini yang saya lakukan:
>:$ sudo gedit /etc/wvdial.conf &
dan buat configurasi wvdialnya sebagai berikut :

[Dialer Defaults]
Init1 = ATZ
Init2 = ATQ0 V1 E1 S0=0 &C1 &D2 +FCLASS=0
Baud = 460800
Modem Type = USB Modem
New PPPD = yes
Username = m8
Password = m8
Stupid Mode = yes

simpan dan keluar
untuk menjalankannya pada terminal masukan perintah
>$: sudo wvdial
dan unutk mematikannya tekan tombol “ctrl+c”
selamat mencoba.
Semoga ini dapat bermanfaat untuk semua Amin.

Selasa, 11 Agustus 2009

Install OS dengan Flash Disk

Menginstall sistem komputer ( OS ) tanpa menggunakan optikal drive ( cd / dvd room )memang lebih merepotkan.
Ada beberapa alternatif yang dapat digunakan salah satunya dengan menggunakan flash disk, ini sangat bergna untuk pengguna komputer jing jing ( notebook ) yang tidak mempunya optikal drive.
Seperti yang pernah saya coba untuk menginstal OS Ubuntu 9.04 pada notebool Advan type A1N70T dengan menggunakan falsh disk dan berjalan sangat mudah sekali tanpa kendala sama sekali.
Dengan modal flash disk 1 GB saya membuat “USB startup disk creator” yang ada pada pasilitas Ubuntu 9.04:
>System>Administration>USB Starup Disk Creator
Sebelumnnya disiapkan dulu file iso dari Ubuntu 9.04 bisa disimpat di CD ataupun pada folder hard disk dan flash disk. Setelah tampil window untuk membuat startup disk tentukan tempat menyimpan file iso tersebut dan tekan tombol “Make Startup Disk”, tunggu beberapa saat sampai prosesnya selesai.
Langkah berikutnya merubah booting sistem pada bios notebook tersebut dan pilih untuk pilihan pertama booting dari USB-pent kemudian simpan perubahan tersebut dan keluar.
Tancapkan flash disk Startup disk tersebut dan nyalakan notebook tersebut.
Setelah masuk ke menu Ubuntu pilih install sitem dan selanjutnya tinggal mengikuti 7 langkah install sistem Ubuntu 9.04,.......dan selesai
Cek semua apa pasilitas yang ada dapat berjalan dengan baik, wifi … ok, untuk modem 3G dari produk Huwawei ga masalah terbaca dengan baik, untuk webcamp saya pakai program dari Ceese webcam yang ada pada add/remove program semua jalan …...

Semoga bermanfaat untuk semua Amin........

Senin, 27 Juli 2009

Harga segelas susu

Catatan dari sahabat ku :

Suatu hari, seorang anak lelaki miskin yang hidup dari menjual asongan dari pintu ke pintu, menemukan bahwa dikantongnya hanya tersisa beberapa sen uangnya, dan dia sangat lapar.

Anak lelaki tersebut memutuskan untuk meminta makanan dari rumah berikutnya. Akan tetapi anak itu kehilangan keberanian saat seorang wanita muda membuka pintu rumah. Anak itu tidak jadi meminta makanan, ia hanya berani meminta segelas air.

Wanita muda tersebut melihat, dan berpikir bahwa anak lelaki tersebut pastilah lapar, oleh karena itu ia membawakan segelas besar susu. Anak lelaki itu meminumnya dengan lambat, dan kemudian bertanya, berapa saya harus membayar untuk segelas besar susu ini ?” Wanita itu menjawab: “Kamu tidak perlu membayar apapun”. “Ibu kami mengajarkan untuk tidak menerima bayaran untuk kebaikan” kata wanita itu menambahkan.

Anak lelaki itu kemudian menghabiskan susunya dan berkata: “Dari dalam hatiku aku berterima kasih pada anda.”

Sekian tahun kemudian, wanita muda tersebut mengalami sakit yang sangat kritis. Para dokter di kota itu sudah tidak sanggup menanganinya.

Mereka akhirnya mengirimnya ke kota besar, dimana terdapat dokter spesialis yang mampu menangani penyakit langka tersebut.

Dr. Howard Kelly dipanggil untuk melakukan pemeriksaan. Pada saat ia mendengar nama kota asal si wanita tersebut, terbersit seberkas pancaran aneh pada mata dokter Kelly. Segera ia bangkit dan bergegas turun melalui hall rumahsakit, menuju kamar si wanita tersebut. Dengan berpakaian jubah kedokteran ia menemui si wanita itu.

Ia langsung mengenali wanita itu pada sekali pandang. Ia kemudian kembali ke ruang konsultasi dan memutuskan untuk melakukan upaya terbaik untuk menyelamatkan nyawa wanita itu. Mulai hari itu, Ia selalu memberikan perhatian khusus pada kasus wanita itu.

Setelah melalui perjuangan yang panjang, akhirnya diperoleh kemenangan… Wanita itu sembuh!! Dr. Kelly meminta bagian keuangan rumah sakit untuk mengirimkan seluruh tagihan biaya pengobatan kepadanya untuk persetujuan. Dr. Kelly melihatnya, dan menuliskan sesuatu pada pojok atas lembar tagihan, dan kemudian mengirimkannya ke kamar pasien.

Wanita itu takut untuk membuka tagihan tersebut, ia sangat yakin bahwa ia tak akan mampu membayar tagihan tersebut walaupun harus dicicil seumur hidupnya.

Akhirnya Ia memberanikan diri untuk membaca tagihan tersebut, dan ada sesuatu yang menarik perhatiannya pada pojok atas lembar tagihan tersebut. Ia membaca tulisan yang berbunyi “Telah dibayar lunas dengan segelas besar susu”, tertanda, DR Howard Kelly.

Air mata kebahagiaan membanjiri matanya. Ia berdoa: “Tuhan, terima kasih, bahwa cintamu telah memenuhi seluruh bumi melalui hati dan tangan manusia.”


Jejak Kaki Diriku dan Tuhanku

Suatu malam seorang pemuda bermimpi. Dia bermimpi berjalan bersama Tuhan di sepanjang pantai. Ketika memandang ke langit, pemuda tersebut melihat tampilan perjalanan hidupnya. Setiap tampilan ia melihat ada dua pasang jejak kaki di pasir: satu adalah jejaknya, dan jejak lainnya adalah jejak Tuhan.

Ketika saat-saat terakhir kehidupannya tampil di hadapannya, dia melihat kembali jejak kaki yang ada di pasir. Dia menyadari bahwa beberapa bagiaan waktu dalam hidupnya hanya terdapat satu pasang jejak kaki. Dia juga menyadari bahwa hal itu terjadi ketika saat-saat paling buruk dan bermasalah dalam hidupnya.

Hal ini menggangu pikirannya dan ia bertanya kepada Tuhan tentang hal tersebut:

“Tuhan, Engkau mengatakan bahwa ketika aku memutuskan untuk mengikutimu, Kau selalu berjalan bersamaku sepanjang waktu. Tetapi aku menyadari bahwa selama masa dimana hidupku penuh dengan masalah dan penderitaan, di sana hanya terdapat satu jejak kaki. Aku tidak mengerti kenapa ketika saat-saat dimana aku membutuhkan Mu Engkau malah meninggalkanku.”

Tuhan menjawab: “Anakku yang aku sayangi, Aku mencintaimu dan Aku tidak pernah meninggalkanmu. Selama masa ujian dan penderitaan, ketika kau hanya melihat sepasang jejak kaki, saat itu Aku memikulmu.”

Mimpi Seorang Nabi Allah

Catatan dari seorang teman :

ABUL LAITS AS SAMARQANDI, di dalam Tanbihul Ghafilin menceritakan, ada nabi-nabi yang bukan rasul, menerima wahyu dalam bentuk mimpi. Seorang nabi telah bermimpi menerima perintah berbunyi: "Esok engkau keluar dari rumah waktu pagi menghala ke barat. Engkau hendaklah membuat lima perkara. Yang pertama engkau jumpa, makanlah. Kedua, engkau sembunyikan. Ketiga, engkau terimalah. Keempat, jangan putuskan harapan. Kelima, larilah daripadanya."

"makanlah akannya"
Esok harinya nabi itu pun keluar menuju ke barat. Yang pertama ditemuinya ialah sebuah bukit berwarna hitam. Dia kebingungan. "Sungguh aneh, aku diperintah memakan apa yang pertama aku temui." Dengan bertawakal kepada Allah, dia menuju ke bukit tersebut untuk memakannya. Tiba-tiba bukit itu menjadi kecil sebesar roti. Maka nabi itu pun memakannya. Rasanya sungguh manis seperti madu. Dia pun mengucap syukur kepada Allah.

"sembunyikan ia"
Selepas itu bertemu pula sebuah mangkuk emas. Lantas dia menggali lubang untuk menyembunyikannya. Apabila mau berangkat, mangkuk itu keluar lagi. Lalu di tanamkannya kembali. Tetapi ia terkeluar juga, sehingga tiga kali berturut-turut. Nabi itu berkata, "Aku telah melaksanakan perintah-Mu," sebelum meneruskan perjalanannya.

"terimalah ia"
Sejurus kemudian dia terserempak dengan seekor burung kecil dikejar seekor elang. Burung kecil itu merayu, "Wahai nabi Allah, tolonglah aku." Dia berasa simpati. Diambilnya burung itu lalu memasukkannya ke dalam bajunya.

"jangan putuskan harapan"
elang itu datang menghampirinya dan berkata, "Wahai nabi Allah. Aku sangat lapar. Aku telah mengejar burung itu sejak pagi lagi. Janganlah engkau patahkan harapanku dari rezekiku." Teringat akan mimpinya, dia lalu memotong sedikit daging pahanya buat mengganti rezeki elang itu.

"larilah daripadanya"
Dengan pahanya yang luka, Nabi itu meneruskan perjalanan demi menunaikan perintah Allah. Sebentar kemudian, dia terlintas dengan satu bangkai yang amat busuk. Tergesa-gesa dia lari karena tidak tahan akan baunya.

Maksud di sebalik peristiwa :-
Setelah kembali, pada malam harinya nabi itu berdoa: "Ya Allah, Aku telahpun melaksanakan sepertimana yang diarahkan. Maka tolonglah jelaskan apakah ertinya semua ini."

Ketika tidur dia bermimpi lagi. Allah memberitahu:
"Yang pertama engkau makan, ialah marah. Mulanya besar, tetapi jika bersabar dan dapat mengawalnya, ia akan menjadi lebih manis daripada madu."

" Kedua , amal kebaikan , walaupun disembunyikan, ia tetap akan nampak jua."

" Ketiga , jika sudah menerima amanah , janganlah khianat kepadanya."

" Keempat , jika orang meminta padamu, usahakanlah menunaikan hajatnya meskipun engkau sendiri berhajat."

" Kelima , yang busuk itu ialah ghibah (mengumpat atau mendedah keaiban orang lain). Larilah dari mereka yang membuat ghibah."

Senin, 13 April 2009

Mengaktifkan lagi flash disk mati

Kejadian ini berawal ketika flash disk yang biasa aku bawa ketinggalan dan aku butuh flash dish itu tuk membawa data ke kantor
kebetulan di laci meja kau ada flash disk tetapi ternyata rusak tidak terbaca di system ( Ubuntu 8.10 ) padahal lednya masih nyala
aku coba cek pake perintah:
:~$ dmesg
dan ternyata menunjukan kalo flash disknya masih bisa terbaca system, infonya kayak gini kurang lebih

[ 4030.392027] usb 5-5: new high speed USB device using ehci_hcd and address 2
[ 4030.525692] usb 5-5: configuration #1 chosen from 1 choice
[ 4030.602298] usbcore: registered new interface driver libusual
[ 4030.628294] Initializing USB Mass Storage driver...
[ 4030.629613] scsi4 : SCSI emulation for USB Mass Storage devices
[ 4030.630403] usbcore: registered new interface driver usb-storage
[ 4030.631345] USB Mass Storage support registered.
[ 4030.634080] usb-storage: device found at 2
[ 4030.634087] usb-storage: waiting for device to settle before scanning
[ 4035.632206] usb-storage: device scan complete
[ 4035.632695] scsi 4:0:0:0: Direct-Access Generic USB Flash Drive 1.00 PQ: 0 ANSI: 2

aku coba pancing buka pake perintah

:~$ fdisk /dev/sdb1
Unable to open /dev/sdb1

ternyata tidak bisa dibuka
penasaran buka pake program partition editor
ternyata bisa terbaca tetapi partition tablenya rusak, aku buat partition table baru terus format lagi
dan hopla bisa dipakai lagi.....
Semoga bermanfaat

Jumat, 06 Maret 2009

Allah Allah

Allah Allah Aziz Allah

Ya Allah, saya ini hina, tidak mempunyai apa-apa. Aku adalah kesempurnaan dari ketidak berdayaan diri. Engkaulah yang maha Perkasa. Engkaulah yang Maha Suci. Mari kita hidupkan pertalian antara dua titik hamba dan Allah yang kita hidupkan dengan tulus. Itulah Islam, itulah penghambaan diri kita kepada Allah. Itu awal dari  langkah kita untuk menjemput rahmat Allah. Rahmat memang diturunkan kepada kita, seperti partikel di udara, tak terbilang, tak pernah terhenti. Begitu ada ruang kosong, masuk dia. Itulah rahmat Allah. Rahmat yang mengimplikasikan barakah ridho dan keabadian karunia di alam baqa, yang bermula dari karsa.  Karena itu kita sudah dimerdekakan oleh Allah untuk membangun sendiri karsa didalam kehidupan. Kita berada dalam jalur kehidupan yang seperti itu.

Allah Allah

Allah Allah Karim Allah

Oh… Allah…kehidupanku, kehidupan kami adalah suatu sense, suatu kesadaran mengenai mengenai kefakiran dan kebutuhan yang tiada pernah henti. Suatu kebutuhan belum tunai, datang kebutuhan lain. Aku dan kami tak berdaya Ya Allah. Engkau beri suatu gita dalam kehidupan kami untuk selalu butuh, padahal kami lumpuh, buntung, tidak apapun, tapi untung Engkau maha kaya dan pemurah. Engkau suruh kami untuk hidup secara baik dan benar begitu diberitahukan oleh kekasihmu Muhammad, yang selalu kami lupa. Kau suruh kami untuk menjadi baik dan benar., Kami sedang membangun keyakinan. Mana mungkin kami berjalan dengan baik dan benar bila Engkau tidak akan mencukupi kami. Yang tidak kami mintapun Engkau memberi.

Allah Allah Subhan Allah

Ya Allah, kami ini banyak salahnya, terus menerus berbuat salah. Maju sedikit, mandur banyak, maju sedikit, mundur lebih banyak lagi, maju sedikit  mundur lebih banyak lagi. Akhirnya kemunduran yang aku jalani.  Hakekat kehidupan kita ini adalah  suatu kemunduran yang tidak bisa dibendung. Untung Engkau Maha Suci, memberi aku, memberi kami semua suatu jalur kehidupan yang positif " Innaa sholata kaanat `alal mu'miniinaa kitaaban mauquta." Engkau jaga kami dengan periode yang begitu close circuit, keliru Engkau hadang dengan tasbih, Engkau beri, Engkau luberkan kecucianMu, Engkau ajari kami bahwa ketika Nabi Muhammad dulu lahir, terlahir didunia ini dengan karsa serta manifestasi dari rahmatMu, seluruh isi cakrawala bertasbih. Subhanallah Walhamdulillah Walaa illaahaillallah Allahu Akbar. Engkau suruh kami untuk berada dalam close circuit dikehidupan ini bernyanyi bersama malaikat untuk  meraih dan menggapai Nabi Muhammad. Maha Suci Engkau Ya Allah.

Allah Allah

Allah Allah Sulthon Allah

Engkau adalah puncak kesadaranku Ya Allah. Engkau adalah sulthan, sulthan diantara sulthan-sulthan yang ada. Abadilah Engkau di pusat kesadaranku Ya Allah, bahkan di akar kesadaranku.

Cuplikan suara Qolbu Syaikh Mustafa Mas’ud yang mengetarkan qolbuku

Selasa, 17 Februari 2009

Dimana Allah?

Ketika kita ditanya “ dimana Allah berada?” kita sering menjawab “di atas” bahkan sering kita menyebut “yang di atas” untuk menyebutkan Allah, lalu “di atas “ itu dimana karena kita tau kalau tempat yang kita diami yang disebut dengan planet bumi itu bulat, jadi posisi “atas” tiap tempat di belahan bumi ini berbeda satu sama lain.
Setiap kepercayaan yang ada di dunia ini masing masing memposisikan tuhannya bermacam macam, tetapi kebanyakan di gambarkan berada di langit dengan gambaran tempat yang indah atau berada di surga di atas awan yang melayang.
Lalu menurut Islam.....
Kita mengimani kalau Allah itu bersemayam di atas 'Arsy-Nya sesuai dengan keagungan-Nya.
Apa itu Arsy.....
Data arti yang aku dapat secara harpiah atau bahasa dari internet adalah ini:

Arsy/ ‘Arasy (Bahasa Arab عَرْش) adalah makhluk tertinggi tempat bersemayam Allah, berupa singgasana seperti kubah yang memiliki tiang-tiang yang dipikul oleh para Malaikat. Berdasarkan Al Qur'an:“ (Yaitu) Tuhan Yang Maha Pemurah, Yang bersemayam di atas 'Arsy.(Thaha, 20:5) ”
Pengertian ‘Arsy ini diyakini oleh para manhaj Salaf, berdasarkan Al Qur'an dan hadits Muhammad. Tetapi banyak ulama yang berpendapat beda dalam mengartikan makna dari ‘Arsy ini, apakah ‘Arsy itu berwujud fisik ato nonfisik.


‘Arsy adalah bentuk mashdar dari kata kerja ‘arasya – ya‘risyu – ‘arsyan (عَرَشَ يَعْرِشُ عَرْشًا) yang berarti bangunan, singgasana, istana atau tahta. Di dalam Al-Quran, kata ‘Arsy itu disebut sebanyak 33 kali. Kata ‘Arsy mempunyai banyak makna, tetapi pada umumnya yang dimaksudkan adalah singgasana atau tahta Tuhan. Kemudian arti dari kata tersebut dipakai oleh bangsa Arab untuk menunjukkan beberapa makna, yaitu:
Singgahsana raja, tercantum dalam Surah An-Naml, 23.
Atap rumah, tercantum dalam hadits
Tiang dari sesuatu Kerajaan
Bagian dari punggung kaki

Inilah sebagian dari arti ‘Arsy dalam bahasa Arab, akan tetapi arti tersebut berubah-ubah sesuai dengan kalimat yang disandarinya.

Tentang pengertian ‘Arsy, ulama memberikan penjelasan yang berbeda-beda. Rasyid Ridha dalam Tafsir al-Manar menjelaskan bahwa ‘Arsy merupakan ”pusat pengendalian segala persoalan makhluk-Nya di alam semesta”. Penjelasan Rasyid Rida itu antara lain didasarkan pada Al Qur'an:“ ...kemudian Dia bersemayam di atas ‘Arasy untuk mengatur segala urusan..(Yunus 10:3) ”
Ada juga perbedaan Pendapat Tentang 'Arsy

Di dalam perbincangan para ulama, tentang ‘Arsy ini selalu banyak pendapat. Para ulama memperdebatkan apakah ‘Arsy itu suatu nonmateri (nonfisik) atau materi (fisik). Dalam hal ini ada tiga pendapat yang berbeda:
Mu'tazilah berpendapat bahwa kata ‘Arsy di dalam al-Quran harus diartikan dan dipahami sebagai makna metaforis (majazi). Jika dikatakan Tuhan bersemayam di ‘Arsy, maka arti ‘Arsy di sini adalah kekuasaan Tuhan. Tuhan merupakan zat yang nonmateri, karenanya mustahil Dia berada pada tempat yang bersifat materi.
Mujassimah pendapat golongan ini bertolak belakang dengan pendapat pertama. Menurut mereka, kata ‘Arsy harus dipahami sebagaimana adanya. Karena itu, mereka mengartikan ‘Arsy sebagai sesuatu yang yang bersifat fisik atau materi. Mereka memiliki paham antropomorfisme.
Asy'ariyah berpendapat yang menyatakan bahwa ‘Arsy dalam arti tahta atau singgasana harus diyakini keberadaannya, karena Al-Quran sendiri mengartikan demikian.

‘Arsy Singgasana Allah

Selain itu ada juga keterangan sebagai berikut :
Ahlus Sunnah wal Jama’ah mengimani bahawa ‘Arsy Allah dan Kursi-Nya adalah benar kewujudannya. Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala berfirman:

“Maka, Mahatinggi Allah, Raja Yang sebenarnya; tidak ada yang berhak diibadahi dengan benar selain Dia, Rabb (Yang mempunyai) ‘Arsy yang mulia.” (Al-Mu’minuun: 116)
Juga firman-Nya:
“Yang mempunyai ‘Arsy, lagi Mahamulia.” (Al-Buruuj: 15)
“Tidak ada ilah yang berhak diibadahi dengan benar selain Allah, Yang Mahaagung lagi Maha Penyantun. Tidak ada ilah yang berhak diibadahi dengan benar selain Allah, Rabb (Pemilik) ‘Arsy yang agung. Tidak ada ilah yang berhak diibadahi dengan benar selain Allah, Rabb langit dan juga Rabb bumi, serta Rabb Pemilik ‘Arsy yang mulia.” (HR. Al-Bukhari (no. 6345), Muslim (no. 2730), at-Tirmidzi (no. 3435) dan Ibnu Majah (no. 3883), dari Sahabat Ibnu ‘Abbas Radhiyallahu ‘anhu.)

Rasulullah Shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam juga bersabda:
“Perumpamaan langit yang tujuh dibandingkan dengan Kursi seperti cincin yang dilemparkan di padang sahara yang luas, dan keunggulan ‘Arsy atas Kursi seperti keunggulan padang sahara yang luas itu atas cincin tersebut.” (HR. Muhammad bin Abi Syaibah dalam Kitaabul ‘Arsy, dari Sahabat Abu Dzarr al-Ghifari Radhiyallahu ‘anhu . Dihasankan oleh Syaikh al-Albani dalam Silsilatul Ahaadiits ash-Shahiihah (I/223 no. 109))

Adapun tentang Kursi, Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala berfirman:
“Dan Kursi Allah meliputi langit dan bumi.” (Al-Baqarah : 255)
Dari Sa’id bin Jubair bahwasanya ketika Sahabat ‘Abdullah bin ‘Abbas Radhiyallahu ‘anhu menafsirkan firman Allah: “Kursi Allah meliputi langit dan bumi,” beliau berkata:
“Kursi adalah tempat meletakkan kaki Allah, sedangkan ‘Arsy tidak ada yang dapat mengetahui ukuran besarnya melainkan hanya Allah Ta’ala.” (Diriwayatkan oleh ath-Thabrani dalam Mu’jamul Kabiir (no. 12404), al-Hakim (II/282) dan dishahihkannya serta disetujui oleh adz-Dzahabi. Lihat Syarhul ‘Aqiidah ath-Thahaawiyah (hal. 368-369), takhrij dan ta’liq Syu’aib al-Arnauth dan ‘Abdullah bin ‘Abdil Muhsin at-Turki.)

Imam ath-Thahawi (wafat th. 321 H) rahimahullah berkata: “Allah tidak memerlukan ‘Arsy dan apa yang di bawahnya. Allah menguasai segala sesuatu dan apa yang di atasnya. Dan Dia tidak memberi kemampuan kepada makhluk-Nya untuk mengetahui segala sesuatu.”

Kemudian beliau rahimahullah menjelaskan: “Bahawa Allah mencipta-kan ‘Arsy dan bersemayam di atasnya, bukanlah kerana Allah memerlukan ‘Arsy tetapi Allah mempunyai hikmah tersendiri tentang hal itu.” (Ibid, hal. 372.almanhaj)

(Disalin dari kitab Syarah Aqidah Ahlus Sunnah Wal Jama’ah, Penulis Yazid bin Abdul Qadir Jawas, Penerbit Pustaka Imam Asy-Syafi’i, PO BOX 7803/JACC 13340A. Cetakan Ketiga Jumadil Awwal 1427H/Juni 2006M)

Sunday, 17 February 2008
Syaikh Muhammad bin Shaleh Al-Utsaimin berpendapat bahwa bersemayamnya Allah di atas 'Arsy-Nya adalah dengan cara bersemayam yang khusus, bukan bersemayam secara umum seperti yang dilakukan oleh para makhluk. Maka dari itu tidak sah dikatakan istawa 'ala al-makhluqat (bersemayam di atas makhluk-makhluk) atau di atas langit atau di atas bumi karena Dia terlalu mulia untuk itu. Mengenai 'Arsy kami katakan bahwa Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala bertahta dan bersemayam di atas 'Arsy-Nya. Kata istawa lebih khusus daripada kata 'uluw yang mutlak, maka dari itu bersemayamnya Allah di atas singgasana-Nya termasuk sifat-sifat-Nya yang fi'liyah yang berkaitan dengan kehendak-Nya, lain halnya dengan kata 'uluw, itu termasuk sifat-sifat dzatiyah-Nya, yang tidak lepas darinya.

Syaikhul Islam Ibnu Taimiyah Rahimahullah secara terus terang menjelaskan tentang hadits yang ada dalam bukunya Majmu' Al-Fatawa jilid V halaman 522, yang dikumpulkan oleh Ibnu Qasim, "Dengan demikian Allah bersemayam di atas 'Arsy setelah menciptakan langit dan bumi dalam enam hari. Sebelum itu Dia tidak bersemayam di atas 'Arsy. Dikatakan bahwa kata istawa' adalah cara bersemayam yang khusus. Segala sesuatu yang bersemayam di atas sesuatu, dia berada di atasnya, tetapi tidak semua yang berada di atas sesuatu tidak disebut dengan bersemayam dan bertahta di atasnya, tetapi segala sesuatu yang bersemayam di atas sesuatu berarti dia berada di atasnya." Itulah maksud yang sesungguhnya.

Sedangkan perkataan kami "sesuai dengan kemuliaan dan keagungan-Nya" berarti bahwa bersemayamnya Allah di atas 'Arsy adalah seperti sifat-sifat-Nya yang lain, hanya sesuai dengan keagungan dan kebesaran-Nya, yang tidak sama dengan bersemayamnya manusia. Masalah ini berarti kembali kepada masalah bagaimana bersemayamya Allah di atas 'Arsy itu, karena sifat mengikuti yang disifati. Sementara Allah adalah dzat yang tidak bisa dibuat permisalannya dan sifat-sifat-Nya tidak sama dengan sifat-sifat lainnya, seperti yang difirmankan Allah, "Tidak ada sesuatu pun yagn sepadan dengan-Nya dan Dia Maha Mendengar lagi Maha Melihat." (Asy-Syuura:11).

Tidak ada yang menyamai Allah dalam dzat dan sifat-Nya, maka dari itu, Imam Malik rahimahullah ketika ditanya tentang bersemayamnya Allah, beliau menjawab, "Bersemayam adalah sesuatu yang dimengerti, tetapi bagaimana bersemayamnya adalah sesuatu yang tidak masuk akal namun harus diimani dan mempertanyakannya adalah bid'ah." Ini adalah ukuran untuk semua sifat-sifat Allah yang telah ditetapkan-Nya untuk Diri-Nya sendiri dalam bentuk yang sesuai dengan-Nya tanpa mengubah, tanpa mengada-ngada, tanpa mempertanyakan, dan tanpa membuat permisalan.

Dari sini jelaslah faedah dari pendapat ini bahwa bersemayamnya Allah di atas 'Arsy adalah bersemayam dengan cara yang khusus untuk-Nya, karena ketinggian secara umum adalah milik Allah, baik sebelum menciptakan langit dan bumi, ketika menciptakan, maupun sesudah menciptakan keduanya; karena hal itu termasuk sifat wajib-Nya, seperti Maha Mendengar, Maha Melihat, Mahakuasa, Mahaperkasa, dan sebagainya.

Fatawa arkaanil Islam atau Tuntunan Tanya Jawab Akidah, Shalat, Zakat, Puasa, dan Haji, terj. Munirul Abidin, M.Ag. (Darul Falah 1426 H.), hlm 85 – 86.
Kalau beloh berpendapat, Allah tidaklah dapat disamakan dengan mahluk ciptaannya karena sifat kesempurnaanya jadi Allah berada diluar sistem kita yang terpaku pada ukuran.

Mudahnya kalau kita membuat suatu virtual system tentu kita tidak berada pada virtual system tersebut karena kita berada diluar sistem untk mengawasi sistem tersebut.

Adapun gambaran Allah berada di suatu tempat adalah pemahaman kita sebagai manusia dengan keterbatasannya dan secara naluriah tanpa sadar menggambarkan Allah sebagai mahluk.

Jadi keberadaan Allah tidak dapat dijangkau sistem dunia kita hanya Allah yang mengetahui dan kita hanya harus mengimaninya.

Hasbunallah wa nicma-l-Wakeel, nicma-l-Mawla wa nicma-n-Naseer, la hawla wa la quwwata illa billahi-l-cAliyyi-l-cAdheem

Rabu, 21 Januari 2009


Pada jaringan LAN penyebaran virus komputer berlangsung sangat cepat, apalagi kalau jaringan LAN tersebut terkoneksi dengan Internet virus, warm dan berbagai program pengganggu berumunculan apalagi jika tidak ada fire wall.
Beberapa minggu ini baik itu di lapangan ( proyek ) maupun di kantor komputer kami dilumpuhkan oleh virus, padahal tiap komputer sudah dipasan anti virus bahkan sampai ke server membuat aktipitas kerja terhenti.
Di komputer proyek aku coba memperkenalkan OS Linux distro Ubuntu 8.10 terutama pada komputer yang dipakai sebagai geteway internet, Alhamdulillah OS ini terbukti tidak terganggu dengan virus dan teman temannya dan usernya tidak kesulitan menggunakan komputer yang aku ganti OS-nya
Untuk sharing internet akuagak kesulitan melakukan setingnya sampai aku dapat informasi dari forum Ubuntu untuk menggunakan “Firestarter”.
Instal “Firestarter” dari terminal atau dari Add/Remove aplication setting dan jadi......
Kini di proyek sudah bertambah tiga orang pengguna OS Linux
Viruspun membawa berkah membuat kita mau belajar.....

Hasbunallah wa nicma-l-Wakeel, nicma-l-Mawla wa nicma-n-Naseer, la hawla wa la quwwata illa billahi-l-cAliyyi-l-cAdheem

Senin, 12 Januari 2009


Dalam operating system komputer apapun ( OS maupun program aplikasi ) pasti ada log sytem yang merekam kegiatan system tersebut dan sangat berguna dalam menelusuri kesalahan atau kerusakan dalam system tersebut, budaya mencatat atau merekam kegiatan untuk saat ini sedang digiatkan terutama dalam menejmen perkantoran baik dalam kalangan swasta maupun pemerintahan bahkan pada jalur pendidikan ( guru ).
Dalam kalangan swasta tiap tahunnya ada audit internalmaupun external begitu juga dalam pemerintahan / pendidikan ada perifikasi dan lain lain
Dalam suatu proyek ada buku panduan pelaksanaan proyek yang bersisi data, rencana kerja dan prosedur pelaksanaan proyek
Seorang guru juga harus mempunyai rencana kerja dan evaluasi belajar yang dituang dalam silabus, matrik dan lain lain
Semua itu akan mejadi sebuah beban jika tidak dijadikan sebuah kebiasaan atau menjadi budaya sehari hari, dan harus dilaksanakan karena dalam kitab suci apapun kita diajarkan bahwa kegiatan kita dI dunia juga terekam atau dicatat untuk dipertanggung jawabkan
Selamat berjuang untuk rekan rekan yang sedang manjalankan audit...
Semoga sukses